Renting privately in the ACT and struggling financially? Care is administering the ACT Government's Rent Relief Program - click for more info
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Do I need to see a financial counsellor?
People usually contact us when they are in debt and are not sure what to do or how to negotiate with creditors, when they need information about financial matters, when they want to look through their budget and see where the money is going or want to talk through the stresses of living on a low or restricted income.
Do I need to see a financial counsellor?
If you answer yes to any of the following questions, please contact us so we can assist you address these financial distresses.
are you struggling to manage your money?
have personal issues, reduced employment or sickness caused you financial difficulty?
are you struggling to pay your credit cards or loans?
are you finding it hard to maintain your rent or mortgage payments?
is your vehicle at risk of repossession?
unable to pay your electricity, gas or phone bills?
want to talk about bankruptcy
are you thinking you may be in a financial abuse situation?
What should I have on hand when contacting a financial counsellor?
details of your situation
details of your income
a list of all debts
current and outstanding bills
copies or information about any court documents you have received
letters about bills and debts that seem urgent
Even if you don't have everything, we can still provide you with assistance when you call.
I went to Care to get help with entering into bankruptcy. They did such a good job I didn't need to go bankrupt!
Financial counselling client
Here to help
If you are experiencing financial trouble, you should seek assistance by calling Care via the National Debt Helpline. The telephone and chat service is available weekdays between 9:00am and 4:30pm.