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Privacy Policy

Care Inc. (Care) understands that privacy is important to you. Care adheres to the principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which govern collection, use, disclosure, access, security and storage of personal information. This policy explains how Care will handle your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act and APPs.


Care collects your personal information when you contact us to receive financial counselling, legal advice or a no-interest loan. We do this over the phone, in person, or when you write to us. Personal information includes information that identifies you or could identify you, for example, your name, address or phone number, or identifying details from your financial or legal matter.

We generally collect personal information directly from you. If we need to collect your personal information from another person or entity, we will ask you to provide a letter of authorisation to consent to the collection of your personal information.

We will only collect your sensitive information, such as racial or ethnic group, with your consent and if it is directly related to our purposes or functions.

Use and disclosure

We will only use and disclose your personal information for the purpose of providing you with a financial, legal or related service, including counselling, information or advice and ongoing assistance.

We will also use and disclose your personal information for the purpose of reporting to the Department of Social Services and the ACT Justice and Community Safety Directorate and to review our files for risk management purposes, including by other community legal centres.

We may disclose your personal information to another person or entity if it is reasonably necessary, or directly related to, one or more of our functions.


We otherwise will disclose your personal information only if there is a serious threat to life, health or safety to any person or is required by law, for example, by order of a court or tribunal.

You may choose not to identify yourself, or use a pseudonym, when you interact with us. However, it will not be possible, or practicable, to provide you with detailed financial information or legal advice if you do not provide certain basic personal information such as your first and last name, the people or organisations with whom you are in dispute and a contact number or address.


Care Inc. does not disclose personal information overseas.

New funding requirements

The Department of Social Services seeks your personal information to better record service delivery outcomes across a range of funded services. The DSS has asked Care to release certain personal information, including your name or pseudonym, your date of birth, gender, postcode, indigenous status, country of birth, main language spoken at home and your self-reported disability.  If you choose not to provide the above information to DSS, you will still be able to use our services.  We will only release this information to DSS with your informed consent which we will obtain from you directly when you contact Care.

Seeking access or amendment to your personal information

You can seek access to your personal information held by Care and request amendment or correction of that information. Any inquiries should be made to the privacy contact officer whose contact details are below.

How to make a complaint

If you have any concerns about our use of your information, you can contact us, make a complaint, or seek more details about this site or our privacy policies by:

  • Phoning Care on (02) 6257 1788; or

  • Writing to:


The Privacy Officer
Care Inc.

GPO Box 2951

Canberra ACT 2601

If you are unhappy with the way Care has handled your personal information, you can make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). 
For more information about how to make a privacy complaint to the OAIC, see information available on the website of the OAIC: Making a complaint. 

Policy updated: August 2022 

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